We have a special treat today in store for all our readers, in this installment of "The Adventures of Scout and Curly". As is most common in many blogs, there are such things as Guest Writers. And I've taken advantage of this opportunity- as it means little work for myself. No longer do I need to ramble on about my thoughts and dreams, I have passed the baton off to another whimsical creature. And I'm sure you all will enjoy the break from me, as I'm ready for a break myself.
So without further adieu, I present TheMysteryWriter.
Normally I'm the one who reads murder mysteries and random novels I pick up at Goodwill or garage sales, because they look or sound interesting. I tend to find the more darker and deeper stories most entertaining, but every once in a while I surprise myself.
As of recent, I finished reading "The Fill-In Boyfriend". A teen love story, with immature minds, who find themselves as the book progresses; definitely not my genre but somehow this book captivated my attention and I ended up enjoying it.
I came upon "The Fill-In Boyfriend" by mere happenstance and decided I would at least give it a chance, then I found myself delving through the chapters in no time. The main character, Gia, is a high school senior, student council president, and all around most popular girl in school. She's pretty selfish, and always acts like she's perfectly put together. That is, until the lies start flowing freely and she's lost in the nonsense she's created. During this journey she finds she has never let anyone in to see the real her, she realizes she doesn't even know herself because she tucks her emotions away so tightly. Things start falling apart in her life but all the same are falling together, she finds someone to open up to and she learns how hard it can be to do so. Yet then once you do, how hard it can be to not do so.
Yes, it may have been a little cheesy at times, and you may be wondering why I enjoyed this book seeing as though it is not my genre. Well, you see, I found a lot of myself in Gia. No, I was never the popular one, nor did I care what everyone thought of me like she did, but I find myself closed up and always showing myself put together and "fine".
"'I'm fine.' Those two words are the most frequently told lie in the English language."
This is repeated several times throughout the book and oh how true it really is.
It's hard for me to open up to others and I could relate to Gia's struggle in doing so. And when she had no one to talk to, she realized that's what she needed the most- someone there for her to open up to.
And then there is Hayden, the boy who made her realize all these things about herself, and how badly she needed to open up and communicate her feelings.
Sometimes we just need that friend to see that we are not okay, to tell us to sit down, stop hiding, and communicate about our burdensome thoughts. We all need a friend like that, whether we are an open book, or closed up with walls up high. I myself know the struggle of trying to tear down those walls I've built up so high, but it's a relief to let go and not handle those trials, thoughts, and feelings on our own. It's a struggle but a relief all at once, to finally let go but to trust someone enough to do so.
Well, thanks Curly for the opportunity to write for you- I'm sure it won't be the last time we work with one another.
Certainly not the last, I can assure you! And for anyone who would like to read this wonderful book, the link can be found to the right. Thank you very much for your contribution MysteryWriter.
Of course, Curly. And if you don't mind, I'll sign us off-
This is TheMysteryWriter bidding you all farwell, and until next time,
Happy Reading,
and Happy Writing!
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