Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Magnified Look at Introversion

Quite honestly, we are not all that different from you.
In fact, you might know of some of us.
We could be your next door neighbor, your husband, your wife, your child sleeping in the other room, your teacher, best friend-
We could even be

Introversion is nothing new to our society, yet I suppose over the years we have wanted diagnoses- a name, if you will, so we can feel like individuals, unique, different. Or some of us just want to understand our motives and behaviors, striving to acquaint ourselves with our own foreign skin. Today we have a limitless supply to read, describing all of our various personality types. They go into depth as to our motives, desires, pet peeves, and worst flaws.
Given, much of this has to read with a grain of salt because no one wants to be summarized in a rinky dink article found online. Yet it's interesting, really, to read why certain people behave in certain manners. Personally it's comforting to read these articles that are taken from a basic factual POV, considering my brain works in hyper drive and spans a realm of emotions that can at times cloud basic logic.

This article stands to clear up the subject of the mysterious and illusive introvert. Who really are they?

For starters: My name is McKenzie and I am an introvert.

The basic definition of an Introvert is a person who's energy comes from being alone, or someone who finds it draining to be around other people for lengthy periods of time. This can be for any number of reasons- some feel as if they give of themselves far too much when others are around, that they need to recharge. Others simply find solace in the caves of their mind, that delving outside of that cave requires much energy, and forethought.

As an introvert myself, I find people draining- spending time with people, talking to people, sitting by people. thinking about people, worrying about people. People. Are. Exhausting.

That being said, I would like to clear up a few common misconceptions regarding introversion, and its fan-base:

1. Introverts are Shy.

No! Shy people are shy. Introverted people, are well introverted. Most of their "socializing" takes place inside their own heads. And once an introvert has reached a certain point- burnout takes place. This can come in a few forms, i.e shutting down, becoming irritable, etc.
Introverts may also be taken as shy due to their wallflower nature. Most are more observant, and would rather watch socialization, than participate in it. Yet this isn't always the case, some introverts come across as extroverts due to their friendly nature. Don't let them fool you though- they need a break sometimes!

2. Introverts Hate People.

Okay yes, some introverts may hate people, yet this can be said in regards to the general population. Being an introvert doesn't automatically put you in a category labeled "stay away from us, we will bite you". Most introverts love people. I for one love people. Yes, they drive me crazy, yes they are tiring- but yes, I would do anything for them. Sometimes my mind is far too loud that I can't take the noise of others.
Many times an introvert may either turn down, or even cancel, plans with others- yet fear not! It's not you- usually. It's them! They need their ME time- which is not to put it too bluntly or sound too selfish. It's not something they're proud of, but spending time with others requires a lot of forethought, and preparation and at times they don't have the energy for it.
Yet remember, we love you! And keep inviting us- maybe one day we will build up the courage, and energy.

3. Introverts Need to Become Extroverts

Perhaps the most offensive thing you can exude to an introvert, is that something is wrong with them. We notice the difference, yet when has different been bad? I mean isn't that why we have Neapolitan ice cream?
Introversion is not a flaw, just the same as extroversion isn't either. Whereas extroverts gain their energy through people and socializing, introverts gain it through alone time- who's to say which is the right way? Each individual must be treated and cared for in a specific way. Introversion is not a sign of underdevelopment, rather it's just another distinction that creates diversity in the human race.

So bring your fellow introvert a nice cozy blanket, a couple books, a couple cats, call in takeout, and turn on some Netflix- and you have a loyal friend for life. Just don't talk too much. And be mindful when they're speaking, it might actually be something intuitive. They usually prefer to listen, but sometimes, in the right circumstance, you can't get them to shut up.

And you if would like to learn more about yourself, take the Meyer-Briggs Personality quiz- found on the right under "Featured Links".

"Quiet people have the loudest minds."- Stephen King

So please listen to these quiet people, and be patient- you might learn something.

This is just one in a series that will delve more into the psychological world, so I hope you're all perched on the edge of your seat!

And until next time,

Appreciate your local introvert!

Happy Reading!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hooked on Books: "The Library at Mount Char"

Do you ever think about our imagination?

Go ahead.

Think about it.

Think about how you can make yourself fly.

Or ride a whale into the sky. (Unintentional rhyme, I would like to point out.)

Give a woman a tail instead of legs.

Add a horn to a horse.

Appoint a cat as queen?

Nice try Scout.

Our imagination is truly an incredible thing. With 'incredible' being an understatement. Perhaps the most enormous understatement, because with our little minds (and yes they are little in comparison to the entire living universe) we can create worlds, upon worlds, upon galaxies of our own making. And that's part of what separates us from animals- that we can think up these amazing and otherworldly things and be able to share this enlightenment with our fellow man.

And that's why writing is magical.

I recently finished a novel that put my imagination in hyper drive. I was floored, confused, astounded- all in a matter of pages. And I laughed! During this complex fantasy novel- I actually giggled. And this is why I wish to share my findings with you all.

The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins is a book I found while strolling around my local Barnes and Noble, and I was immediately intrigued by the cover, as well as the title. This thing is a beauty.

Now, we may say "Never judge a book by its cover", but do we ever really listen when we are considering actual books? No! Beautiful books are the ones we immediately pick up, and this love story was no different.

As I've said before- Every book has its time. So this book spent a few months on my bookshelf before my picking it up, yet when I did I could truly concentrate and appreciate what was being fed to my mind.

This is Scott Hawkins first novel, and it sure is a doozy, lemme see if I can even try to explain it-

The Library on Mount Char, although taking place in the modern age, and modern times, has elements of a hidden world right under our noses. Have you ever wondered where all the information covering this universe is held? Do plants speak another language? Are there beings, hidden, that control the things we take most for granted? The sun? The animals? Us?

Scott Hawkins delves into the fantasy surrounding our world, and provides us with an origin story for out beautiful planet.

Carolyn is one of 12 adopted siblings, living with a man they call Father, in a library on a hill. They are raised as librarians, yet not the librarians we picture- mousy, uptight, glasses perched on the tip of their noses- no! Perhaps they are librarians in the truest since.

Each of these 12 siblings are given a catalog, or area, of study. And they must stay in this area of study and research, or there are grave consequences. Carolyn is given languages, and among some of the other areas of study are- Death, Animals, Mathematics, The Future, The Past, The Present, and the Art of Killing. So they are brought up from children, to adulthood, surrounded by pages and pages of information about our natural world. And as they continue to learn, the outside world seems even stranger, and the man they know as Father begins looking more and more cruel.

So, when Father suddenly disappears, the 12 must now solve the mystery as to where he is, if he will ever come back, and if not- who will take his place?

When I first read the synopsis to this book, I wasn't sure what I was expecting nor what I was getting myself into. It was strange, far stranger than anything I've read (and I've read 'Dune'). Yet strange has always meant something different to me- interesting, intriguing, 'curious and curiouser'. The bad connotations toward the word are not what spring to mind. Unusual, in my mind, is the equivalent of good.

I truly enjoyed the characters development, as well as the plot development. It sneaks up on you, like when putting together a puzzle. You suddenly reach a point where everything starts making since, and being put into place, into order. And the same was found with this book. I was given all of the puzzle pieces, yet only when I reached the climax did I start making these connections.

I highly recommend this book for any die-hard fantasy lovers, or those of you ready to step outside of your reading box. The writing is spectacular, and almost effortlessly casual and humorous. Overall a very good read, and worth the time.

The issue of power, and whether certain people are capable of handling it, are discussed. As well as the issue of nature vs. nurture- essentially how do we become who we are? And is it possible to change?

As always, links to find the books discussed, can be found to the right. So don't be stingy, and feed your imagination!

So may we keep fighting!

Happy Reading.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

"Viewer Disrection Advised"

I'm an only child.

And that's just one of my "Viewer Discretion Advised".

"Frequently talks to herself."
"Was partially homeschooled, yet is full time awkward."
"Is prone to staring."
"No filter."
"Awkward dances when provoked."
"Becomes emotionally attached to food, and inanimate objects."
"Likes her cat more than you."
"Will pull out a book in social settings."

Growing up I felt like the most fortunate girl alive. I had my parents undivided attention, and I had a plethora of alone time. In an instant I could be transported to whichever world I chose, and I could create grand adventures all in the space of my head. It was the only life I ever knew, that constant faraway glance of whimsy, that yearning for something more. That ache for a glorious quest, yet also the pull and comfort of my own little world.

So as I got older I wanted for nothing. I had
enough food to eat, clothes to wear, a beautiful roof over my head, and parents that provided me all they could and more. And I was convinced that all I needed was myself, and the little family we had. And for a time it was enough. I went to school, begrudgingly, yet I persuaded myself to enjoy it, all but the social interaction. I delved into my studies and allowed the promise of new knowledge to wake me up each and every morning. Yet when I walked through the front door of my home, only then did I ever feel completely safe, and at ease in my skin.

No longer did I have to suffer through the small talk all elementary and middle schoolers have in common. No longer did I have to pretend I belonged in the same world as my peers.

I liked to pretend I wasn't from this world, because pretending was all I had. I had my head to play with, make up games with, and run around with. I had delved so far into myself that I never learned how to need others, so I relished in that feeling of solus.

Yet as life kept moving, and speeding up, and I kept growing in mind and body obstacles were thrown my way that I felt all too challenging to handle. My mind, once my friend and ally, was now my enemy. It kept me up at night, and filled me with wracks of sobs. It no longer fed me adventures, yet ravaged me with doubts and anxieties. And I learned the true meaning behind the world "alone", because to me it was always such a wonderful word.

It's a wonder how it all happened. I look back today as my fingers fly over my keyboard and a million images come to mind. Late night talks with my Mother and Father, incessant shushing to my brain, and finally the acceptance that perhaps I wasn't built to be completely alone. That perhaps the life that I had conjured in my mind could someday, maybe, be real. Those adventures could be real, and the girl I imagined myself to be, might be a person I could become.

So I did it. I really, honestly did it. I learned the proper way to be alone. And I participated in what was happening outside my mind.

And I found siblings. And I extended my small family. And they proved to be willing to support me every step of the way. They silenced my mind when they knew it wasn't feeding me good thoughts, and I opened up to them in time.

I learned how dangerous I was living, how on the edge of something very bad was I walking. The walls of protection I had put up to shade me from the outside world, also kept out all the good. What I wasn't willing to admit was how much I needed people. They weren't all bad. Some were actually quite good, great even. They were like the characters in all the books I had read, yet better because they were real, so their story continued on and on, and I could actually be a part of it.

I suppose that was all I ever really wanted, to be a part of someone's story. And for them to be a part of mine.

So now I am no longer the only inhabitant of my world. There are many residents, and we have done fantastic things, and we've lived. And we've all found a place that feels like home.

And I hope all of you will as well. And if you already have- kudos!

That's the first time I've ever used the word "kudos" before. Not too sure if it will happen again, in fact.

All the same, I wish you all a

Happy Reading, until next time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

TheMysteryWriter Introduction/ Food Frenzy: Lemon Chicken & Rice

TheMysteryWriter here, just thought I might introduce myself a little better now that we are acquainted. I'm a quiet, more reserved kind of person, and I struggle through my shyness. I tend to hide behind the written word, slowly showing my personality through pen and paper. I don't like being the center of attention but hide behind my work of words, art, and photography. I greatly enjoy reading; it's my getaway from reality. I cherish my friends, and I pick them carefully, having been burned in the past. I'm still slow to open up, even to my close friends because the walls I have built up over time, as I mentioned in my previous post. I'm an introvert with extroverted qualities, and somehow I really love people, I just can't always be around others. I need my alone time but still enjoy talking to and meeting new people. Though, my shy side still shines through very strongly at times, even with my closest of friends. So there you have it, I'm an extroverted introvert who hides behind books, paper, art, and the camera.
And I hope with time I may open up with you fine readers.

And before we sign off today, I would like to introduce another segment of this blog: Food Frenzy.
We all love to eat, right?
Dumb question.
Should I just get on with it?
So with this in mind, coupled with my passion for all things edible, I had the bright idea to share a couple of my tried and true recipes with my lovely readers.
Cooking should be a fast, relaxing, and enjoyable process- especially come dinner time when the day has already been long, and the family is already famished. It's my goal to present some instructions that are easy to follow, that even the simplest of cooks can recreate them.
So put on the latest episode of LORE, tie on your apron, and let's get cookin!

Lemon Chicken & Rice

Ingredients for Rice:
1 cup of jasmine rice (you can substitute any type of rice you please, this is just my favorite.)
1/4-1/2 cup of a yellow onion- diced (eyeball it depending on your taste in onion)
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
Olive Oil

Ingredients for Chicken:
2 large chicken breasts
1 cup all-purpose flour (in a shallow baking dish w/ salt and pepper)
The juice of 2-3 lemons
Chicken stock
Salt & Pepper
Olive Oil
Chopped Fresh Parsley (optional)

Parchment Paper
Kitchen Mallet

Instructions: (Feeds about 2-3, 4 if they are tiny.)

1. Put a medium sized pan on the stove, and turn up the heat to medium- medium/high. Prepare your onion and garlic as the stove is warming.
2. Once heated, add a coating of olive oil to your pan, and add the onion. Sprinkle over a pinch of salt, this will cause your onions to sweat and start turning translucent. Next, add your garlic.
3. Take a second to admire the heavenly fragrance. (Perfume idea?)
4. Let the onion and garlic meld for about a minute, then add your rice. Stir it into the garlic/ onion mixture. This toasts the rice, bringing out the nutty flavors and adding a well rounded taste to your rice. Let that go for about 2-3 minutes or until fragrant.
5. Depending on the type of rice you are using, add your water to the pan. If using jasmine rice this amount will be 1 1/2 cups. Turn the heat to high, and wait until it comes to a boil. Once boiling, put the lid on top and turn down the heat to LOW. Set your time for 15-20 minutes.
6. Now it's chicken time! Set another pan over medium/high heat. Get out a large cutting board, and cover it with parchment paper. Add one chicken breast to the board with tongs, and cover with another sheet of parchment paper.
7. Grab your mallet, and it's time to work out all that built up anger from the day. Who's face are you imagining that chicken to be?
8. Pound out your chicken, using smooth and fluid movements. It should be about a 1/2 inch when finished. Cut the chicken with scissors, in half (This way they will cook faster). Grab the tongs and place the chicken in the baking dish the flour mixture.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 with the second chicken breast. Continue to coat the chicken breasts with the flour on all sides, shake off all excess.
10. Coat the pan with a shallow drizzle of olive oil. Place all chicken in the pan, it should be sizzling and start to bubble.
11. Let the chicken fry for about 3-4 minutes, then flip. They should be golden brown. (You are not cooking them all the way through.)
12. After frying for 3-4 minutes on both sides take them out of the pan and place them on a plate or cookie sheet.
13. Get a wooden spoon ready, and your lemon juice. While pouring the juice in the pan, scrape the bottom of the pan. BE CAREFUL! It will bubble! And steam! Be sure you get up all the bits on the bottom of the pan, this will help create a yummy sauce.
14. Continue stirring the lemon juice as you pour in about 1/4 cup of chicken stock into the pan. Keep adding the stock until you have a shallow pool for your chicken to set in (probably another 1/4).
15. Add the chicken back into the pan, and set the heat to HIGH. When the liquid starts to boil, turn the heat to LOW or MEDIUM/ LOW. Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes.
16. Your rice should be ready! Take off the lid and grab a fork. Scrape your fork across the rice to fluff it up. (This is my secret to fluffy rice.) Add salt to taste.
17. When the chicken is ready, uncover and turn the heat off. (Add salt/pepper if necessary)You're ready to plate!
18. Spoon a nice portion of rice on your plate, stack 2 pieces of chicken on top of the rice, and spoon some of the sauce on the chicken. Sprinkle over the parsley for a nice fresh flavor.
19. Serve to your guest or family. They are sure to be impressed by your newly found cooking skills.
20. Sucka! Now you have to cook all the meals.
21. You're welcome.

Always be safe while cooking, burns hurt. And even if it might seem like the pan is well balanced on the counter, it's not. And it'll fall. And then you'll have to order pizza, PLUS clean up the kitchen.
And that's what I'm here for, helping all to learn from my failed attempts in life.
Thank you MysteryWriter for the introduction, always enjoyable hearing from you.
And thank you family for eating my cooking.
And thank you all for reading these mediocre little posts.
So until next time,
Happy Reading
Happy Eating!

*Don't look at me like that Scout, you'll make a cameo soon enough...*