Friday, January 8, 2016

Making Your Acquaintance

How are we to have these first introductions?

Am I to talk and talk and talk, and you to merely listen? Suppose you knew the circumstances and clicked all the same. Suppose I should no longer ramble on and we shall begin our proper beginning.

Hello there. How are you? Feeling well? Are you staying warm? Or cool? Are you happy? Why? Why not? I myself am very happy in this moment, for beginnings are usually of a more jubilant nature than endings. I look forward to finding a happy ending in my life, yet I suppose you shall know of it. It's a sad thing-to think I may never hear of yours.

My name? Have I not said? Well how silly of me!

My name is McKenzie, and it's wonderful to make your acquaintance. Or rather is it wonderful of YOU to make MY acquaintance?

I'm sorry to confuse you any further, yet I'm not the "Scout" in this scenario, and I anticipate Scout won't be writing anytime soon, unless she is harbouring some sort of secret I don't know about. And if this were the case then we would have much bigger issues to sort through. Such as, how did Scout learn to read and write? And can I somehow make money off her new talents? Did she fall into a vat of slimy green goo, turning her into some sort of mutant, and even more important- what will her superhero name be? These days Scout only has two things on her mind- sink her teeth into every one of my book covers and sleep. Yet she won over my heart with a single pur. (Pssst, Scout is a cat. Incase, you didn't surmise this from my clever wordplay. Yet isn't that the job of a writer? To create magic from the ordinary? To take a simple observation and write a sonnet?)
But yes, you guessed it. I'm the "Curly. It springs from the pounds of curly hair that have sprouted from my head since the day of my birth. It's a constant in my life, and I like constants. I can wake up every single day and know that my hair will be just as a much of a mess as it was the day before. Just the same, I can wake up everyday and look in the mirror and see two blue eyes staring back at me. It's a comfort to know that some things in life don't change.
Yet some change isn't too bad, just as long as I know of it and I have created it. (No, I do not have control issues, and don't you say that ever again!)
Change and I have a love, hate relationship. Or rather we have a spy vs. spy relationship. Neither one of us can trust the other, constantly going behind each other's back to one up the other. I don't know who's winning.
Scout doesn't share in this game. Scout's perfectly happy at all times, very much unlike any feline I've known, and her only concern is getting comfortable enough to fall asleep 5 times a day. I amusedly watch her features squish together with calculation. Yet just as soon as she has found her spot, she's out like a light- snoring.
I, on the other hand, sleep rather poorly. It's the falling asleep that's a struggle. My brain has had all day to worry about mundane things, yet it chooses 11 o'clock at night to finally settle down and fix the world's problems. Give me some time and I'll figure out who really killed J.F.K, or maybe how we can fix the Star Wars prequels. (We all know Jar Jar Binks has to die.)
So yeah, I don't like change, I don't sleep well, I own a cat...what more do y'all need to know?
Oh, I live in Kansas. That's...interesting?
Honestly, it's a little weird for me to talk about myself. I would much rather listen to what others have to say, being someone who always took on more of an observational role. Yes, I was (am) that odd little kid that used to stare at you a lot. I was trying to understand you is all, and plot world domination. I like to think my staring days are over, yet no. I don't apologize for it anymore, the world is a fascinating place and I wish to understand it. And if that means making a couple people feel uncomfortable then so be it.
So from an early age I would make up these stories about people I saw at school, walked past on the street, or saw flying by on the road. It was overwhelming to think that each and everyone of these people had a life, a family, a story. I wanted to know all of it, so I created it on my own.
Writing comes naturally to me. I don't say this with confidence. I say this with resolute fact. I love words and they sprout from my brain with ease, whether or not they are interesting, witty, or at all understandable is still unknown. So this little blog I've dedicated to the act of persuasion. To persuade myself that maybe one day-ONE DAY- I can reach a level of satisfaction with my writing. Maybe even a level of satisfaction with myself, too.

Scout and I are on a quest of discovery. A discovery of life, literature, and the pursuit of the perfect song. I have this dream of reading all the books on my bookshelf, accidently finding an unpublished novel by Jane Austen, ordering everything off the Starbucks menu, and not adding extra sugar to any of it, eventually sitting down and watching every early Doctor Who episode, and learning how to bake my own graham crackers.
So it's my hope that I will remember to document all of it, just as long as I'm not doing that little ole thing some people like to call 'living' in 'reality'. It doesn't happen very often, so it shouldn't be of concern.

Scout is in need of food, I am in need of hot tea, and my laptop is in need of rest.

This is McKenzie Porter, signing off. And until next time:

Happy Reading!


  1. Love love love this! Keep it coming ! Ve

  2. Lovey and charming! <3 You have such a beautiful writing style.
